Why you need a dopamine menu
The dopamine menu trend formerly was only on forums for ADD and ADHD. Now it's gone mainstream, often accompanied by Tiktok carousels of beautiful pictures to support the chosen activities.
In our opinion, this is a great thing!
Having a dopamine menu is a powerful rebalancing against the easily available quick dopamine from things such as messaging, and likes/ views on social media using screens and devices, or snacking on junk food.
With a dopamine menu, think: a source for dopamine from delayed gratification, when you need it the most.
Too often, exhausted by doom-scrolling and too much screen time, we can have low-dopamine days where we can feel listless, and down. The big tech companies have been ruthless in rolling out measures to make all our activities come under the focus of social validation. Delivery apps make it easy to order junk food at the click of a button, or fast fashion delivering the latest trend in 24 hours.
Dopamine levels are SUPER important to manage for developing brains as well. A recent study on 3.5 year olds found that when exposed to screen time, by the age of 4.5 they showed considerably more angry outbursts by the age of 4.5. Terrifying.
Ellen Littman, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist says: “These dopamine-deficient brains experience a surge of motivation after a high-stimulation behaviour triggers a release of dopamine, but in the aftermath of that surge and reward, they return to baseline levels with an immediate drop in motivation.”
To escape this cycle, psychologists who treat the ADHD community are recommending that it is wise to have a dopamine menu of things you can turn to, for a more natural and well-earned source of dopamine.
Importantly, any work done with your hands reaches a different reward centre of the brain by activating specific neural pathways. Dr Claudia Aguirre from our team says "Our hands are powerful tools for self-care and mental health! Engaging in activities like journaling, woodworking, or playing a musical instrument strengthens neural connections, enhances cognitive skills, and fosters a sense of accomplishment. We need to harness the hand-mind connection for a happier, healthier life."
Our favourites for a Dopamine Menu from our team are:
- Handwriting in a special journal geared to boost the mood and activate the brain: sign up for the new neuroscience journal by Dr Claudia here opusmanus.org
- Gardening
- Skincare routine - using aromatherapy oils in skincare and inhalation to boost brain power. The science shows Rosemary oil boosts happiness: inhaling rosemary’s fresh scent for 30 minutes increases levels of the hormone dopamine by 97%, Japanese research suggests — and the benefit persists all day, with an increase in happiness and motivation. Lavender oil also significantly enhanced dopamine receptors subtype D3 in the olfactory bulbs of mice.
- Gua sha and facial massage: view our massage oils below with dopamine-bosting ingredients such as rosemary and lavender (science above)
Scorpio Oil
Cancer Oil
Taurus Oil
Aries Oil
Sagittarius Oil
- A cold shower / ice bath
- Forest bathing (see my guide here)
- Drawing (life classes, painting)
- Baking!
Follow us on social and leave your thoughts on the dopamine menu trend, which hopefully is here to stay!